1. Tifo shall not be responsible for any third-party content, including user commentary, made available to you by Tifo directly or indirectly during the course of your use of Tifo.
2. Tifo's services are provided "as-is" and your use of Tifo, by signing up or accessing Tifo's services or by any other means, does not guarantee any specific standard of technical or other performance.
3. In using Tifo's services and platform, in any form, you agree not to copy or to adapt Tifo's services for your own commercial purposes, and recognize that Tifo's interest in its platform or services is proprietary and confidential and manifests intellectual property ownership in all content, whether technical or delivered by any means.
4. By accessing Tifo's services or platform, you as a user assent to using, as an exclusive means of resolving concerns or disputes, Tifo's internal dispute resolution measures, by emailing _____, and, as an alternative, if required by law, arbitration through the American Arbitration Association, at your own cost.